Buy 1 Get 1 Free (BOGO)
In the below example we giving away free hats when someone buys an Urban T-shirt.
Please follow the guide below on how to add tiered pricing.
1- Goto Capital Upsell Popup & Bundles and click on create offer.
2- In Offer Type select Upsell Offer
3- In Upsell Trigger select the product on which you want to trigger offer.
4- Now in Upsell Product section, select the product you want to give free and add a discount of 100%.This will make the upsell product free.
5- In Upsell display settings Choose the display position of the widget. show either in popup when someone click on Add to cart button or show as an embedded widget under add to cart button.
6- In Upsell translation. Add Offer Title, Description and Offer name.
7- Hit save. You have successfully created your offer.